Enrollment Process
Enrollment is for students who are new or returning to the school district. It occurs throughout the school year when a new student begins attending a WUSD School. Students are enrolled in the district once and automatically enrolled each year. You can complete the process online.
** Students currently enrolled at a school with WUSD - DO NOT need to enroll again for the next school year. We automatically roll over the student to the next grade in the summer.
The following materials are required for all student enrollments.
Missing documents will delay enrollment. Online Registration Form
- Birth Certificate, Birth Record, or Passport
- Immunization Records
- Current dated Proof of Residence (utility bill, Pg&E bill, mortgage statement, rental contract/agreement, or property tax bill) in parents name
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2024-2025
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2024-2025![]()
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2024-2025
Birth Date Range |
Grade (2024-2025
School Year)
Born After 6/2/2020 | Not Eligible for Enrollment |
9/2/2019 to 6/2/2020 | TK |
9/2/2018 to 9/1/2019 | kindergarten |
9/2/2017 to 9/1/2018 | 1 |
9/2/2016 to 9/1/2017 | 2 |
9/2/2015 to 9/1/2016 | 3 |
9/2/2014 to 9/1/2015 | 4 |
9/2/2013 to 9/1/2014 | 5 |
9/2/2012 to 9/1/2013 | 6 |
9/2/2011 to 9/1/2012 | 7 |
9/2/2010 to 9/1/2011 | 8 |
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2025-2026
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2025-2026 ![]()
BIRTHDAY eLIGIBILITY for school year 2025-2026
Birth Date Range |
Grade (2025-2026
School Year)
Born After 9/2/2021 | Not Eligible for Enrollment |
9/2/2020 to 9/1/2021 | TK |
9/2/2019 to 9/1/2020 | kindergarten |
9/2/2018 to 9/1/2019 | 1 |
9/2/2017 to 9/1/2018 | 2 |
9/2/2016 to 9/1/2017 | 3 |
9/2/2015 to 9/1/2016 | 4 |
9/2/2014 to 9/1/2015 | 5 |
9/2/213 to 9/1/2014 | 6 |
9/2/2012 to 9/1/2013 | 7 |
9/2/2011 to 9/1/2012 | 8 |
Preschool: 3rd or 4th birthday falls on or before December 1st
dual immersion program
dual immersion program![]()
dual immersion program
We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year Dual Immersion Program at Elkhorn Elementary for New Kindergarten Students! If interested, complete the online application. For additional questions, call Elkhorn Elementary at 916-375-7670
ext. 3473.

For registration assistance or questions:
TK-Transitional Kinder contact Patrisia Quijada, WUSD ECE, 916-375-7600
ext. 1322, or email: pquijada@wusd.k12.ca.us

K - 8th please contact Isabel Mejia, WUSD Student Services, 916-375-7600
ext.1370, or email: imejia@wusd.k12.ca.us
River City High School 9th -12th grade contact Lupe Enriquez at 916-375-7800
ext. 2068 or email: lenriquez@wusd.k12.ca.us
Washington Middle College High School 9th-12th grade contact Aileen Flores at 916-375-7901
ext. 3300 or email: aflores@wusd.k12.ca.us
Yolo Continuation High School 10th -12th grade contact Stephanie Williams at 916-375-7740
ext. 3600 or email: swilliams@wusd.k12.ca.us

River City High School 9th -12th grade contact Lupe Enriquez at 916-375-7800

Washington Middle College High School 9th-12th grade contact Aileen Flores at 916-375-7901

Yolo Continuation High School 10th -12th grade contact Stephanie Williams at 916-375-7740