Employee Resources
Welcome to our employee resources page
Welcome to our employee resources page![]()
Welcome to our employee resources page
The Human Resources Department is at the District Office, Room 41, 930 Westacre Road, West Sacramento, CA 95691. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the Human Resources team members:
Maria Soria
Senior HR Analyst (916) 375-7600 ext. 1044 msoria@wusd.k12.ca.us
Sara Sargent
Certificated HR Analyst (916) 375-7600 ext. 1042 ssargent@wusd.k12.ca.us
Jason Alvarez
Classified HR Analyst (916) 375-7600x1013
employee Handbook
employee Handbook![]()
employee Handbook
certificated staff
certificated staff![]()
certificated staff
Collective Bargaining Agreement (WSTA)
Resources & Forms
- Approval of College Coursework for Advancement
- Anticipated-Change-of-Placement-Form
- Emergency Card
- Explanation of Absences
- Maternity Leave Packet
- Paternity Leave Packet
- Personal Necessity Form
- Personnel Change of Information
- Verification of Experience and Sick Leave for New Employees
- WSTA Grievance Level 1 Form
- WSTA Grievance Level 2 Form
Salary Schedules
Work Calendars
management & confidential
management & confidential![]()
management & confidential
Resources & Forms
Salary Schedules
Work Calendars
Classified staff
Classified staff![]()
Classified staff
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CSEA)
Resources & Forms
- Absence Reason Explanations
- Classified Vacation Request
- Comp Time - Election to Use Compensatory Time
- Comp Time - How to complete the Comp Time Form Video
- CSEA Grievance Level 1 Form
- CSEA Grievance Level 2 Form
- Explanation of Absences
- Maternity Leave Packet
- Maternity-Leave-Packet-5.15.23
- Paternity Leave Packet
- Paternity-Leave-Packet-8.10.2022
- Personnel Change of Information
Salary Schedules
Work Calendars
More resources
More resources![]()
More resources
non-discrimination statement
non-discrimination statement![]()
non-discrimination statement
We are an equal-opportunity employer and are committed to broadening the diversity of our workplace. All applications and resumes are welcome. The Washington Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For concerns, immediately contact Shea Borges, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources (Compliance Officer for Title IX and CC of R Title 5) at (916) 375-7600 ext. 1046. A copy of the Washington Unified School District's uniform complaint policy and non-discrimination policy are available upon request.