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Expanded Learning Program Calendar of Events

Expanded Learning Program Calendar of Events

  • Expanded Learning Calendar
Summer Break Application is now available!/¡LA SOLICITUD PARA LAS VACACIONES DE verano YA ESTÁ DISPONIBLE!

Summer Break Application is now available!/¡LA SOLICITUD PARA LAS VACACIONES DE verano YA ESTÁ DISPONIBLE!

Hello WUSD Families!


The application for the 2025 WUSD Summer Camp is now available.  Summer Camp will run 7:30am to 5:00pm starting on Monday, June 9th and ends on Friday, July 18th.  The WUSD Summer Camp will be closed on June 19th and July 4th to observe the holidays. The WUSD Summer Camp is open to current TK-8th grade WUSD students. The WUSD Summer Camp locations will be Riverbank, Southport, Stonegate, and Westfield Village Elementary schools. 

Please use the link below to apply for the WUSD Summer Camp. 

The deadline to apply is Friday, May 9th.


2025 WUSD Summer Camp Application Link


¡Hola familias de WUSD!


La solicitud para el campamento de verano de WUSD 2025 ya está disponible.  El campamento de verano se desarrollará de 7:30 a. m. a 5:00 p. m. a partir del lunes 9 de junio y finalizará el viernes 18 de julio.  El campamento de verano de WUSD estará cerrado el 19 de junio y el 4 de julio para observar los días festivos. El campamento de verano de WUSD está abierto a los estudiantes actuales de WUSD de TK a 8.º grado. Las ubicaciones del campamento de verano de WUSD serán las escuelas primarias Riverbank, Southport, Stonegate y Westfield Village.  

Utilice el enlace a continuación para solicitar el campamento de verano de WUSD.  

La fecha límite para postular es el viernes 9 de mayo.


Enlace de solicitud del campamento de verano de WUSD 2025



The Spring Break Camp Program will be open from April 14th-18th.  Camp hours are from 7:30 am. - 5:00 pm. Parents can drop off and pick up students at their convenience.  The deadline to apply for Spring Break Camp is Friday, March 21st. Families will be notified by Monday, March 24th if they are enrolled or on the waitlist.


The Spring Break Camp is available to all current TK-8th grade WUSD students.  If a non-WUSD student or preschool student applies, they are not eligible for the program and families will be notified.


If you are enrolling multiple students, each student needs their own application.


Click on the button below to apply for the Spring Break camp.
El programa del campamento de vacaciones de primavera estará abierto del 14 al 18 de abril.  El horario del campamento es a partir de las 7:30 am. - 17:00 horas.  Los padres pueden dejar y recoger a los estudiantes cuando les convenga. La fecha límite para solicitar el campamento de vacaciones de primavera es el viernes 21 de marzo.  Las familias serán notificadas antes del lunes 24 de marzo si están inscritas o en la lista de espera.


El campamento de vacaciones de primavera está disponible para todos los estudiantes actuales del WUSD de TK a 8.º grado.

Si un estudiante que no pertenece al WUSD o un estudiante de preescolar presenta la solicitud, no es elegible para el programa y se notificará a las familias.

Si está inscribiendo a varios estudiantes, cada estudiante necesita su propia solicitud.

Haga clic en el botón a continuación para solicitar el campamento de vacaciones de primavera.

2024 - 2025 Expanded learning program application in now available!

 ¡2024 - 2025La solicitud del programa de aprendizaje ampliado ya está disponible!

Please click on the button below to apply for the 2024-2025 Expanded Learning Program.  The programs are available at all 7 of our TK-8th grade elementary school sites.  All applications received will be placed on a waitlist due to the programs being enrolled to capacity.  When a spot becomes available, you will be contacted.


Haga clic en el botón a continuación para solicitar el Programa de aprendizaje ampliado 2024-2025. Los programas están disponibles en los 7 sitios de nuestras escuelas primarias de TK a 8.º grado. Todas las solicitudes recibidas se colocarán en una lista de espera debido a que los programas están inscritos al máximo de su capacidad.  Cuando haya un lugar disponible, nos comunicaremos con usted. 



The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.
Our goal in ELOP is to provide safe, quality child care and enrichment that is designed to enhance your child’s educational experience right on your elementary school campus.  We value working with parents, staff, and students at each site to support the classroom curriculum and instruction before and after school. 
  • Program activities that foster the social, emotional, academic, and physical development of children.
  • Free enrollment is open to all WUSD students (TK-6) that qualify under the program requirements. Parents may complete the application for the National School Lunch Program to see if they qualify for free/reduced-cost meals.  If you qualify your child will be able to have their fees waived.
  • Click here for the free/reduced-cost meals application.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan
(Approved by the Board of Education on June 22, 2023)
Please click on the following link to view the ELO-P Plan: WUSD Expanded Learning Opportunity Program Plan
information for parents/guardians

information for parents/guardians

Parent Information Slides about the ELO-P Program. 
Please click on the following link to view the ELO-P Parent Information Slides: ELO-P Parent Information Slides
Expanded Learning Handbook
Please click on the following link to view the Expanded Learning Program Handbook: 24-25 Expanded Learning Handbook
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el manual del programa de aprendizaje ampliado: 24-25 Manual de aprendizaje ampliado
WUSD Expanded Learning Programs Overview

WUSD Expanded Learning Programs Overview

The After School Education and Safety (ASES) and Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) grants provide funding for children that attend WUSD schools to attend before and after-school programs at no cost to parents.  All TK-8th grade students are eligible to attend the expanded learning programs.
The goal of the ELO-P grant is to provide a safe, engaging environment to motivate and inspire students learning.   
In collaboration with the City of West Sacramento, Champions and YMCA, Washington Unified School District offers after-school programs at the following sites:
City of West Sacramento YMCA Champions
Elkhorn Village: 916-533-2499 Bridgeway Island: 916-501-4228 Stonegate: 916-871-9621
Riverbank: 916-281-1033 Southport: 279-245-7650  
Westfield Village: 916-533-2293    
Westmore Oaks: 916-533-2854    
Student Enrollment Guidelines  

The WUSD Board of Trustees has approved the following priorities for students to enroll in the WUSD Expanded Learning Programs: 

1.  Homeless or Foster youth.
2.  Students in 6th, 7th & 8th grades that attend daily.
3. Students identified in need of supplemental or concentrated support by LCFF.
4.  Siblings of enrolled 6th, 7th & 8th-grade students already in the program.
5. Students identified as in need of academic remediation or support at the discretion of the principal or designee.
6. Remaining K-5 spots will be filled at random.
7. Remaining spots will be filled from the waitlist as they become available. 
Schedule and Attendance
The program begins at the end of the regular school day Monday through Friday. State guidelines give priority to children who regularly attend the after-school program and stay until 6:00 pm. If your child attends the regular school day, he/she must attend the after-school program. After three (3) unexcused absences participants may lose their spot in the program.
Expanded Learning Program Elements
Academic Support – Includes 45 minutes of daily academic support. During this time your child will be encouraged to complete their homework assignments. Staff will supervise and assist students and provide one on one help if needed. Students who do not have homework will have time to read a book or participate in other academic activities.
Enrichment – Enrichment experiences allow children and youth to explore investigate, learn, and build skills that enrich educational, physical, and social-emotional development. Enrichment activities may include fine arts, character development through curriculum and play, nutrition education, etc. Enrichment components will be scheduled throughout the year and will follow a weekly schedule. Outside instructors may provide extra enrichment services to the students. 
Recreation - Recreation opportunities for students include arts & crafts, games, sports, clubs, and other special recreation activities. At least 30 minutes of physical activity will be provided daily. Other recreation activities may be scheduled for 2-3 times a week.
For more information, contact Rian Carroll:
Rian Carroll
(916) 375-7600 x1059
Patrisia Quijada
Administrative Secretary II
(916) 375-7600 x 1322
Martina Guerra