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The Budget and Financial reporting of the District is a collaborative effort between the Assistant Superintendents' Office and the Fiscal Services Department.  The work performed is essential in maintaining the fiscal solvency of the District.  Annual budget and expenditure activities are managed via continuous dialogue with other departments and school sites.  Beginning with the 2014-2015 fiscal year, the dialogue will expand to additional stakeholder groups with the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula and the Local Control Accountability Plan.  

In addition to posting of budgetary and financial reports of the District, this page is used to post other miscellaneous financial reports that are required of the District by both Federal and State agencies. 


Fiscal Supervisor
(916)375-7604 x 1020
Budget and Financial Reporting

Budget and Financial Reporting

In addition to approving the annual operating budget, the California Education Code (Ed Code) requires school district governing boards to approve and certify four financial reports each year.  Three of these reports: First Interim (covering July 1 through October 31) Second Interim (covering July 1 through January 31) and Unaudited Actuals (covering July 1 through June 30) must be prepared using the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software developed by the California Department of Education.  The fourth report is the audited financial statements prepared by an independent audit firm in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).  Based on the information presented, the Board must make one of three certifications:
  • Positive Certification: This means the District can reasonably expect to meet its obligations for the current year and subsequent two years.
  • Qualified Certification: This means the District may not be able to meet its obligations for the current year and subsequent two years.
  • Negative Certification: This means the District is in danger of not meeting its obligations for the current year and subsequent two years.
The reports include a summary, variance report, and documents for each “fund” of the district showing revenues and expenditures.  The first pages of the fund documents identify revenues and expenditures at a summary level of information followed by additional documents that disclose the details behind the revenues and expenditures. 
District Debt

District Debt

  • Non-Voter Approved Debt is a type of municipal debt that is issued without the approval of taxpayers. It is guaranteed directly against the issuer’s general fund revenues.
  • School districts utilize this debt as an alternative financing option to general obligation bonds to fund capital facility projects and/or acquisition of property.
Overview of Non-Voter Debt / Certificates Of Participation
  • General Obligation (GO) Bonds provide a way for districts to raise money for projects.
  • GO Bonds are approved by the voters and repaid by property tax-payers.
Overview of School District Bonds
Fiscal Reports

Fiscal Reports

2024-2025 Reports

Annual Audit (Pending) Average Daily Attendance (ADA) P-Annual (Pending)
Unaudited Actuals (Pending) Average Daily Attendance (ADA) P-2 (Pending)
Second Interim (Pending) Average Daily Attendance (ADA) P-1 (Pending)
First Interim Property Taxes P-Annual (Pending)
45-Day Revise (Not Applicable) Property Taxes P-2 (Pending)
Adopted Budget Property Taxes P-1 (Pending)

2023-2024 Reports

2022-2023 Reports

2021-2022 Reports

2020-2021 Reports

2019-2020 Reports

2018-2019 Reports

2017-2018 Reports

2016-2017 Reports

2015-2016 Reports