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MEasure R

MEasure R

It all began in 1999 with Measure R. A $17.54 million investment laid the foundation for excellence. Fast forward to 2023, and with a current balance of $5,714,422.25, we've realized the dreams of the earliest residents who built the original Washington Grammar School in 1917.
MEasure V

MEasure V

On November 4, 2014, the voters of the Washington Unified School District authorized Measure V, which passed with 66.6% approval and issued $49.8 million in General Obligation Bonds to reconstruct, renovate and repair aging elementary school classrooms and other school facilities, remove dry rot/mold and replace leaking roofs/windows, make classrooms accessible for the disabled students; and provide up-to-date classrooms, science/computer labs, career technology education facilities and to pay for the costs of issuance of the bonds. 
MEasure Q

MEasure Q

Measure Q, issued in 2004 with an original budget of $52 million, took our commitment further. As of today, with a current balance of $15,132,998.35, we're proud to say that our students have benefitted from this forward-looking initiative. The final payment on Measure Q is set for August 1, 2031.
MEasure Z

MEasure Z

On November 3, 2020, the voters of West Sacramento authorized Measure Z, which passed with 60.93% approval. The measure authorized $150,000,000 in General Obligation Bonds for school facility improvements, construction, and modernization. This will go a long way in protecting our students’ quality education and ensuring opportunities for all students in WUSD schools for many years to come.
School Bond Infographics

School Bond Infographics

School Bond Infographic
School Bond Infographic
School Bond Infographic
School Bond Infographic