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MEasure V

MEasure V

On November 4, 2014, the voters of the Washington Unified School District authorized Measure V, which passed with 66.6% approval and issued $49.8 million in General Obligation Bonds to reconstruct, renovate and repair aging elementary school classrooms and other school facilities, remove dry rot/mold and replace leaking roofs/windows, make classrooms accessible for the disabled students; and provide up-to-date classrooms, science/computer labs, career technology education facilities and to pay for the costs of issuance of the bonds. 
FAcilities Master Plan

FAcilities Master Plan

A Facilities Master Plan was created representing the voices of parents, staff, and the community for the future facilities of the District. The Board of Education received the Facilities Master Plan in December 2019. Each school site and district campus was reviewed and discussed at Board of Education meetings from January to March 2020. The Facilities Master Plan is representative of modernization and construction for the next 10 years, focusing on ensuring all school facilities are equitably addressed across the District.